Wear, Watch, Want #285: The Anachronistic Heavy Straw Edition
Everything I wore, watched, and wanted this week - From the return of Bridgerton to yet another Yeti product

Wear, Watch, Want #282: The Poor Power Chair Edition
Everything I wore, watched, and wanted this week — From a Peloton class to a gimmicky chair

If You Ignore My Advice About These Five Things, We’re in a Fight, Immediately
These are the best things and that's an objective fact

Wear, Watch, Want #276: The Sweaty, Sweaty Bodies Edition
Everything I wore, watched, and wanted this week - from yet another time travel tv show to a sauna-ready towel

Wear, Watch, Want #273: The Traveling Plus Cycling Edition
Everything I wore, watched, and wanted this week — from Tabata cycling classes to prestige fantasy tv series

Two More Hypermobility Compatible Peloton Stretches
Hypermobility makes stretching so unsatisfying, but these Peloton stretches provide a good stretch for those of us with super flexible joints

Wear, Watch, Want #267: The Discounted Jogging Boy Band Edition
Everything I wore, watched, and wanted this week: From joggers to boy band inspired TikToks

The Peloton Bike Fan You Never Have to Charge (AND it Has a Light Show)
The TrubliFit Peloton fan attaches right to your bike, and is powered by your bike, so you never have to charge a fan again

Things I'd Repurchase Without a Second Thought - They're That Good
Things I love so much I would repurchase them without a second thought - no matter the cost

Wear, Watch, Want #253: The Bully Foodie Ball Edition
Everything I’ve worn, watched, and wanted this week - from ab balls to bully stick holders

The Kneepad Making My Workouts Infinitely More Comfortable
This extra thick kneepad is perfect for protecting my arthritic knee joints while I work out

Gift Guide 2022: Peloton (Round Three!)
The perfect gifts for the Peloton obsessive in your life, including my favorite arthritis friendly bike accessory

My Top 4 Most Satisfying Peloton Stretches - As a Person With Hypermobile Joints
Hypermobility makes stretching feel completely pointless, and nothing ever feels like a “good” stretch. These are the four Peloton stretches I keep coming back to, because they make me FEEL something