Wear, Watch, Want #207: The Specialized Royal Manicure Edition

Wear: Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Matte Top Coat

I have no desire to appeal to teenage fashion and beauty standards. Skinny jeans are CLASSIC and when you have a cowlick like mine a side part is your only choice. One of the greatest things about getting older is that you care less and less if you’re cool. HOWEVER. I did recently Google “Are accent nails ok in 2021?” I got a bunch of results for nail art, which was beautiful, I just wanted to know if I was setting myself up for embarrassment by painting one nail differently than the others! I still don’t know! I did an extremely subtle accent nail, though, by putting regular shiny top coat on all my nails but one, which I painted with a matte top coat, specifically this one. I had bought the matte top coat to use with glitter nail polish (I feel like it will look cool? I still haven’t tried it), but I was in the mood for a more basic manicure (I used the green from this post), BUT I still really wanted to see what the matte top coat would look like, BUT I also didn’t want to commit to something I might dislike, then be stuck with it on my fingers for the next 10 days (I was NOT about to remove, then redo my manicure). The accent nail worked out perfectly, and I feel like the One Matte Accent Nail should be the next trend. Or at least a trend for 30-somethings who like a lazy, at-home manicure.

Watch: Queens

Here’s the thing about Queens: I have no idea if it’s good. I like it, I’m glad it exists, but is it enjoyable if you don’t have childhood memories of TRL and Making the Video? I don’t know. It might rely too heavily on millennial nostalgia. But if you offer me a show starring Brandy AND Eve and it’s about a girl group from the late 90s/early aughts? I’M IN.

Is Queens the Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip to Girls 5Eva’s 30 Rock? Maybe! But in this golden age of TV, there’s room for both.

Want: Cycling Shoe Insoles

I don’t have the foot pain I dealt with when I first started spinning at home, but I do sometimes get numb toes, or discomfort when I’m riding my Peloton. After watching a bunch of YouTube videos and reading myriad articles and putting my wet feet on cardboard to figure out how high my arch is, I think I need insoles. These Specialized ones have good reviews and don’t cost $200, so I’m going to give them a shot.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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