Listen Up and Trust Me: Put Some Creamer in Your Protein Shake
I’ve recently started making myself a protein shake after workouts and the results have been noticeable and nice. I’m having less aches the next day (I have erosive arthritis, working out can be both good and bad for me) and I’m feeling stronger and noticing more muscle growth. This could all also be because I’ve been focusing more on strength training — I try to do a strength workout 3-4 times a week — in addition to cycling (Tunde, my go-to Peloton instructor, teaching strength classes was a game changer for me). Even so, I love my little ritual of making my protini right after a workout. I have no idea what I’m doing, I don’t know a single nutrition fact (and don’t care to), but it’s working out fine, so here’s my recipe:
Two bananas
One scoop of protein powder (I use this one, but from Costco)
A bit of non-dairy milk (I’ve recently switched from oat to almond, but either way, I get them at Costco)
**And here’s the potentially controversial part**
A leeeetle bit of creamer (This one from the Kroger Extended Universe is my favorite)
Just a bloop (a universally recognized unit of measurement) of my favorite creamer takes my protein shake from a chalky slurry I’m making myself suffer through to a post-workout treat I can sip while watching TikTok, knowing I’m sending good nutrients and good vibes to all my growing muscles. Usually this also keeps me satiated for a good while, so this provides a long bridge to my next meal (we don’t do “meal replacements” around here!).
I drink my protini right out of the Ninja blender cup, with one of my favorite straws
I imagine fitness folks are reading this horrified that I would put creamer in my protein shake (they’re probably also horrified that I put in two bananas. Please, consider being chill for one second of your LIFE). You don’t have to do what I do! I don’t know about one single macro in this concoction, and I don’t care! But if you’ve been gagging on chalky protein powder and wish you could make it more palatable, bloop some creamer in there! Don’t get brainwashed by fitness junkies who have low carb/high protein worms in their brains. Sometimes my post-workout rituals are what get me motivated to work out in the first place! It’s fine! Plus, every time I pour creamer into my protein shake, I get the rush of knowing I’m doing exactly what diet and fitness culture tell me not to do, but despite that, I’m still hot and strong.
An aside: If you’re a Who Weekly? listener, please know that privately, in my home, I call it grunch.