Wear, Watch, Want #148: The German Biker Garden Edition

Wear: All in Motion Bike Shorts

It’s that weird time in the PNW where it’s allegedly spring/summer but sometimes it’s 50 degrees and you’ve got to turn the heat on. This is not remarkable, but now that I’ve been doing my own spin classes in my guest bedroom with my best friend (a bike), it can get HOT. “Open a window! Turn the heat off!” Yeah, I’m not ignorant, but this house is so well insulated (a great thing!) it would take hours to have turning off the heat make any difference. My solution? Bike shorts. As a child of the 90s, I have worn more than my fair share of bike shorts. I thought I was done with them, but now having a little breeze on my knees while I cycle my cares away sounds perfect. I bought multiple styles and sizes from Target - their All in Motion line is… amazing? - and the pair that won was the Contour Curvy High-Rise Shorts 11”. I tried the Contour Curvy Power Waist, and while they say 11” on the website, on the tag they say 10.5”, and on my bod that half inch is a big difference.

I got large and XL in both, and the Contour Curvy High Rise XL was good, but the waist was loose (anyone with a bigger butt and a smaller waist knows this sitch all too well). I thought Power Waist would solve this problem, and I was certain once those arrived they’d be the ticket, but that 10.5” inseam hit me juuust right so that I had a little above the knee/below the hem chub roll that I found uncomfortable and made me self conscious. Even if you’re just looking for something to wear around the house and on your bike, why settle for something that’s not ideal?? So I’m going with the slightly loose waisted, truly 11” shorts, and I love them. (I also want them to make these patterned ones in 11”. I would buy them immediately.)

Watch: Dark

I knew Dark was extremely popular, and I tried watching it a few times, but I couldn’t get into it. I wasn’t in the mood for a German show with English subtitles, and I’ve been conditioned to believe that dubbing is déclassé for some reason? It’s not! It’s fine!

Anyway, this is all to say I started watching Dark a few weeks ago but dubbed in English so I could watch while I cross stitch and I am now obsessed. It’s got a creepy small town that apparently no one ever leaves and a mysterious system of caves that allow people to travel through time and the show jumps between timelines and slowly reveals how every person and timeline are connected and it’s incredibly addictive. The third and final season comes out on June 27 and I am READY.

There are a lot of reasons to praise Dark, but the most knock-your-socks-off thing they accomplish is the casting. The characters are shown throughout time, and the casting is phenomenal. At one point, they show a man and you’re immediately like, “Well that’s Magnus, obvi” and you don’t even need the line, “Hello, Magnus” because you know this show and you know they are killing the casting game. Here’s an article with a bunch of side by side photos of characters at different ages, but keep in mind, there be spoilers. I’ve inserted a few here, in case you want to see proof of the casting genius spoiler free.

Watch Dark, get addicted, and join me in counting down the days till June 27.

Want: AeroGarden

I am not a plant person. I know, take my millennial card away. I have greenery in every room of my house - all fake. Now that I’m cooking at home oh, all the time, I thought it would be nice to grow some herbs. I thought about building a raised planter, I tried buying a basil plant at Trader Joe’s (she’s dead), and now I’m thinking of getting an AeroGarden. It’s essentially an extremely low maintenance indoor hydroponic garden. It seems like it would be immune to my black thumb, but honestly who knows what kind of plant killing power I hold. I still want to try though, possibly because of millennial peer pressure.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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