Black Lives Matter

I write a silly blog about how small things can make a big difference in your life. It’s about consumerism, sure, because many things I write about cost money. But it’s also about problem solving, and recognizing that if you find a solution to a problem (whether it’s what TV show to binge or how to make your own fancy cold brew), you can devote more time to other things, like taking care of yourself and the people you love. It can feel ridiculous to talk about eye cream when there are far more pressing issues in the world, but also, 1) I’m happy to provide a bit of escapism and nonsense, 2) The whole thesis I’m working with here is that tiny things can make a big difference, no matter how trivial they may seem, and 3) Most people don’t read this site in real-time. My most popular posts are still the ones in The Accutane Diaries, which are years old.

This country, this world, is in the middle of a revolution, and writing about dry shampoo feels, well, ignorant. Right now millions of people are bringing attention to police brutality and, quite literally, begging for their lives and the lives of those they love. And all this is happening during a global pandemic, the likes of which hasn’t been experienced in many of our lifetimes.

I’m a chronically ill, immunocompromised person, so I can’t join a march (protests most often fail to include disabled people, a gripe many disabled activists speak on regularly). It’s incredibly discouraging, but I keep going back to this image shared on Disability Twitter

I have the heart of a Tank, but I’m in the body of a Support Caster. And that’s ok! One terrible benefit of Covid-19 is that I’m making more money from unemployment than I did pre-pandemic, so I’m donating all over the place, and setting up monthly donations too. I’m also planning a few aggregated resource posts for diverse books, shows, businesses, and more. All this interspersed with recs for vacuums and shoes, because sometimes you just need to know about a sick vacuum.

Stay safe. Wash your hands.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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An Almanac For The 21st Century

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Wear, Watch, Want #148: The German Biker Garden Edition