WWW 286: The RomCom Edition

I watched three rom-coms that got a lot of praise and were new to streaming, and rather than space them out over three Wear, Watch, Wants I decided to shoehorn them into my own little creation. So here’s that!

Wear: Anyone But You (Costuming Nightmare)

This movie was heavily advertised as being R rated and made that seem like it was for sex reasons, but it’s mostly because everyone says fuck a lot. Also anytime Sydney Sweeney wears a bra or a bra-style top it DOES NOT FIT and it drove me crazy long after her costume changed.

Watch: The Idea of You (I read the book, so I had to watch the movie and yell at it)

I read this book, and I liked it, but watching the movie I kept shouting things that were different in the book. The largest change, by FAR, is that in the novel Anne Hathaway’s character isn’t white. Also she’s not as rich as her popstar boyfriend, but she is rich. Her gallery is in Culver City, not Silverlake (Silverlake is the cool LA neighborhood for people who don’t really know LA, Culver City is the cool place for people who do). Her ex’s new wife I think gets pregnant, not divorced. Oh and they DON’T end up together which I think is GREAT but I understand maybe not as sellable for the movie. And did I mention SHE’S NOT WHITE??

Want: No Hard Feelings (I want more of this pls)

This movie was fine. It was okay. And you know what we as a society need? More movies that are JUST OKAY. Movies that aren’t a waste of time but also aren’t the greatest movie that everyone MUST see. Give me more 90 minute perfectly fine movies, I beg.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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