Wear, Watch, Want #189: The Inflatable Space Scraper Edition

Wear: Tongue Cleaner

No one likes bad breath, but I feel like we’re not talking about that thing where you eat a strongly flavored meal, brush your teeth, and then your breath is like, minty AND also burrito-y (or whatever). Like you still have that meal essense in your breath, even though you flossed, brushed, and mouthwashed. Apparently all kinds of shit lingers on your tongue, including the spirit of your last meal, and the only way to get rid of it is with some sort of tongue torture device. I’d heard of tongue scrapers, but Target only had this tongue brush/scraper combo tool, so that’s what I got, and IT WORKS. It has a little scrubby head, and you use that to kind of agitate all the nastiness that’s on your tongue, then you scraaaape it off with the top edge. Fair warning: Make sure when you scrape you are OVER THE SINK because otherwise some gross colored tongue liquid may end up on your pajama pants… not that I would know anything about that.

Listen: Keeping Records Podcast

It’s been awhile since I bent my own rules and made the weekly watch an entirely audio medium! Lately I have been obsessed with Keeping Records, a podcast about the golden records that were shot into space in 1977, so that, theoretically, some life forms a bajillion miles away could learn about Earth. I only learned about the Voyager Golden Records maybe 10 years ago, and once you have seen some of the things Carl Sagan and pals thought needed to be shot across the universe, you are left with more questions than answers. Caleb Hearon and Shelby Wolstein have taken it upon themselves to have guests on their podcast and ask them the big question: What would YOU put on a golden record to show aliens what Earth is like? Each episode they have a guest explain their personal golden record additions, plus they explore something that is on the original golden records. Some of my personal favorite submissions from various episodes are that video of Kim Cattrall scatting, A Goofy Movie, and when a mom relaxes after preparing a large holiday meal.

(It’s also worth noting that Caleb and Shelby are both midwesterners, like myself, and OH MAN I didn’t know I needed an occasionally midwest-centric podcast in my life but I DID and now I DO.)

Want: An Inflatable Bathtub

I don’t have a bathtub. But my parents have a big clawfoot tub, and while I found a way to use epsom salt in the shower, I really wanted to try soaking in salts for awhile. The last time I was at my parents’ house, I had a nice long soak in their bathtub and it was SO NICE. So nice, in fact, that I started looking into how I could recreate it at home. I looked into converting my shower into a steam shower (virtually impossible), getting a hot tub (expensive and too overwhelming for right now), an inflatable hot tub (significantly more affordable but also potentially embarrassing), and finally, inflatable bathtubs. I’ve narrowed it down to a chic looking inflatable tub, The Tubble, and a cheaper option from Amazon. I haven’t bought one yet, but I’m seriously considering it. (An inflatable bathtub IS more embarrassing than an inflatable hot tub, BUT the bathtub would be in the privacy of my home whereas a hot tub is outside, where my neighbors can judge me.)

Sarah Chrzastowski

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