Wear, Watch, Want #58: The Airy Naked Afterlife Edition

Wear: Urban Decay Naked3 Palette

I've had this eyeshadow palette for years, but recently I've been pulling it out for daily use. I have incredibly pale skin, and the pinky shades of Naked3 suit my skintone amazingly well. Nooner especially feels like it was made for those of us who cannot find an eyeshadow shade that shows up but doesn't look super garish. (My other two most used shades in the palette are Limit and Darkside.) If you're interested in a big ol' eyeshadow palette but have a ghostly complexion and/or aren't super skilled at eyeshadow application (the pale pinks hide mistakes well!), Naked3 is a great choice. 

Watch: The Good Place

My whole friend group watched The Good Place from the get go and loved it, but based on my Twitter feed, many (many!) people didn't start watching until The Good Place's first season was on Netflix, and then they were like "Wha-wha-WHAT? This show is great!" My point is, you never know what's happening in the world when you just look at what's in your immediate vicinity. 

It was completely genius for NBC to make sure The Good Place was on Netflix well ahead of the second season premiere, because the show is one of the most serialized shows I can think of, certainly the most serialized sitcom since Arrested Development

I could write a synopsis, but here's a trailer that does a better job than I would (I'm a real fan of spoilers, and this is a show that could be spoiled so, so easily. See: Highly serialized.)

The Good Place is currently on hiatus until January, so it's a great time to catch up on season 1 on Netflix and then watch the first half of season 2. 

Want: AirPods

First of all, let's acknowledge that I keep calling these AirBuds. 

I feel like this had to have come up at least once in Apple's market research, right? 

Anyway, I'm going to get a new phone in the next month or so, and I know that the big adjustment will be the switch to a headphone-jack-free life. I use my headphones with my phone constantly, so this is something that matters to me. But here's the thing - I've been thinking of going wireless for quite awhile. I wear my headphones while doing things around the house, and I'm always getting the cord caught on the knobs of my stove, or on the washing machine, or on the corner of the coffee table, or any number of things. So while I can't think of any time I've ever wanted to charge my phone while also listening to headphones, I do get the cord of my headphones caught on something or other approximately 15 times a week. 

The price point of AirPods (Did I write AirBuds and have to go back and fix it? Yes I did.) was a little bit of a shock at first, particularly for someone who's favorite earbuds cost $15, but I've been combing the Internet for reviews and not only are they priced well (what.) but I'm very attracted to their reported effortless pairing. As someone with Apple everything, this is very appealing.  

Sarah Chrzastowski

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