Wear, Watch, Want #2: The Bloody Naked Leopard Edition

Wear: Nike Free Leopard Print Sneakers

I bought these shoes during Nordsrtom's Anniversary Sale, and I'm so, so happy I did. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Leopard print is my favorite color. I've been wearing these babies so much, and I've gotten tons of compliments on them. They're sleek and streamlined, but also fashionable. They work equally well as full-on workout shoes as well as comfy sneaks to wear when running errands. The day after I bought them I posted a picture on Instagram (feel free to follow me for a million dog photos), but because of my need to use an average of three photo editing apps before posting any photos, the coloring was way off. In reality the pair I bought is like the above photo, all black and white and gray and BEAUTIFUL.

Watch: You're Next

I'm so not a horror fan. Not by a long shot. BUT I love knowing the plots of horror movies. I'll see trailers for horror movies and then read spoilers to find out exactly what happens, so I can know the twists and endings without seeing actually seeing any horrific stuff. That being said, I've gotten interested in watching horror movies in the past few years. I still wouldn't call myself a fan of horror; you'd have to pull some crazy Clockwork Orange shenanigans to get me to watch torture porn. But there are some horror movies that I enjoy and like a lot, no matter how unfortunate their classification may be. I was interested in You're Next when I read some reviews of it last year (you can watch the trailer here). I'm still too much of a horror wuss to see a scary movie in theaters, but this week You're Next was released on Netflix Instant, and I immediately added it to my queue.

The movie isn't horribly gory, and the scary home invasion aspect is explained and becomes a lot less scary pretty quickly. There's one aspect that is never explained and that bugged me a lot, but other than that I really enjoyed You're Next. I'm trying to avoid revealing any plot points in case you're as afraid of spoilers as I am of being "entertained" by a story about a psychopath chopping women up into little pieces. I will say though, that the thing I liked most about this movie was the humor. It's funny. But intentionally funny, not like, Hemlock Grove funny. If you're looking to laugh at some smart jokes while watching WASPs get shot with a crossbow, look no further.

Want: Naked2 Basics Palette

Yes, last week I also said I wanted an eyeshadow palette. And again this week, I want another one. I swear when I came up with the idea for this feature, I did not intend the "want" section to just be eyeshadow palettes. But then Urban Decay had to go and announce that they are releasing a second Naked Basics Palette later this month. The Naked Basics Palette was actually the first eyeshadow palette I ever owned. I'm slowly getting more comfortable with experimenting with eyeshadow, and the Naked Basics Palette helped me learn how to apply and blend eyeshadow like a... person that wears eyeshadow. Like I said, I'm a newbie. I like the colors, and while I only wear a few of them regularly, it's still a great palette and was a perfect intro to the World of Eyeshadow. But once I saw the cooler shades in the Naked2 Basics Palette I knew I was going to be snatching it up as soon as it hit the shelves. August 21st can't come soon enough.

Sarah Chrzastowski

This You Need

An Almanac For The 21st Century


Playing Favorites: My Top 6 Urban Decay Eyeliners


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