Rainy Mood

There are few things better to me than being wrapped up all cozy indoors while it's rainy outside. I'm from Illinois, and I have a certain soft spot for epic thunderstorms that hit the midwest during the summer. My family also has a house in Seattle and I grew up spending a lot of time there, so I love just plain gloomy, drizzly weather as well. Now I'm living in LA where, sadly, there isn't much gloomy weather. I'm not complaining - I LOVE the weather here. It's just that sometimes I want a little change. I want to get in a rainy mood.

Good thing there's RainyMood.com, a website with a very simple purpose: To give you that cozy, rainy feeling - no matter how sunny it is outside. It works like this: You open a tab in your preferred internet browser, go to RainyMood.com, and then go on with your business. You can surf the web or paint your nails or do whatever, all with the soothing sounds of a rainstorm surrounding you. If you also have the Boom App cranked up, you could probably convince yourself there's an actual rainstorm happening outside.

I use Rainy Mood when I want some background noise, but I'm looking for something that I can zone out to. Rainy Mood also recommends using their website to help you fall asleep, or as a background for some relaxing music. Sometimes I get rainy weather homesick and I put on Rainy Mood while I look at pictures of gloomy weather. I even have a pinboard for it.

I'm not sure why rainy, gloomy weather makes me completely happy, but it does. With the help of Rainy Mood I can get my stormy weather fix while living in the land of endless sunshine.

RainyMood.com: Free on your local laptop


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