The Ice Roller Hype is Real

I have had this ice roller in my Amazon shopping cart “save for later” for literal years. How many, I don’t know, but it’s more than seven! It was just there… sometimes on sale, sometimes ridiculously overpriced, and I never moved it to the cart and bought it. Until a day that I cried so much my eyes swelled shut (I’m fine now), and I realized that if I bought an ugly color, I could get two roller heads with my ice roller for just $10. So I impulse bought one, and I wish I had bought it sooner, this thing is GREAT.

There are a ton of ice rollers out there, and they’re all different, but essentially the same: You put a rolly thing in your freezer, then take it out and roll it over your face and/or body, and then put it back in the freezer for next time. The rollers can be big, small, metal, or plastic, but they’re pretty interchangeable when it comes down to what they do. I bought the one that was in my “save for later,” and it’s the most popular and highest rated one on Amazon, but I believe I initially added it because I heard about it on the Forever 35 Podcast 7+ years ago. Like I said before, if I ordered this mucus colored one I could get both a metal and a plastic roller, all for $10. In comparison, right now a blue roller with one plastic head costs around $15, and a solid pink roller with two heads is $17. I don’t care what color the handle of my ice roller is if I’m getting a good deal.

I keep both the metal and plastic roller heads in a Ziploc bag in my freezer, and while I prefer the metal one, both are nice and do get used regularly. I am continually shocked how long the rollers stay cold, AND how they aren’t SO cold right out of the freezer that you can’t use them. It’s the perfect chill-level that lasts seemingly forever. I just roll it around all over my face, no plan, just vibes. Even if I’m not dealing with swollen eyes or a headache or any of the other things I treat with my ice roller, it just feels so nice to use. I zone out and watch TikTok and roll roll roll and it’s a not to shabby way to spend 20 minutes.

Once I’m done with my roller sesh (the roller is still cold, btw. I have never had to end because the roller lost its chill. I get bored first), I wipe down the roller with an alcohol pad and pop it back in the freezer for next time. I love my ice roller so much, I wish I had known how invaluable it would be for me — I would have bought one eons ago, and for twice as much!

Sarah Chrzastowski

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