Tap Secret Just Made My Favorite Dry Shampoo Even Better

I wrote about my new number one, indispensable dry shampoo, Tap Secret, in February. My one main gripe was that you couldn’t buy just refills — you had to purchase a whole new container each time you ran out. WELL! Now there ARE refills and they are exactly what I wanted, it’s almost as if I willed them into existence.

A Tap Secret dry shampoo comes in two pieces, the bottom bit holds the actual product, and the top is a little sponge you use to tap the product onto your hair. I’m sure you’d need to replace the sponge eventually, but not every time you need more dry shampoo in the bottom part! The refills are new, but I’d say every third one I’d get a new sponge? Realistically, my ADHD ass is going to use the same sponge until I finally realize that I might be gross and only then will I replace it.

Tap Secret is still, in my opinion, slightly expensive for the amount of product you get, but the refills are just $14, which I somehow find to be a good deal. It’s also very easy to change the bottom part of the Tap Secret apparatus, but not easy to put the dregs of the old dry shampoo into the new container without getting some on your hand/sink/floor and screaming, “nooooooo!” because you think it’s a PERFECT product but you hate the price tag and don’t want to waste one grain of powder. Maybe that’s just me.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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