DampRid Helped Save My Sweaters From My Rainforest of a Closet
A few months ago I started to notice a particular smell when I put on certain sweaters. These were sweaters that went into my closet freshly laundered, then sat folded in my closet (sometimes for short periods of time!) and came out with… a distinct odor. It wasn’t a hugely offensive smell, and I’d often just spray some perfume right on the collar/chest under my nose and go on with my day. This worked fine, and after a few hours my sweatshirt wouldn’t really smell anymore. I made a mental note to toss a dryer sheet or something behind my sweaters, but constantly forgot. Then one weekend I actually did something about it, and Googled “why do my clean sweaters smell bad I swear I do laundry and keep things nice wtf” and Google said, “DUH. It’s moisture.”
This never occurred to me, but I have also never in my 30 odd years lived in a place where I had to worry about moisture in my closet. A shelf wipe down and a dryer sheet was NOT going to help me, I needed some kind of closet moisture eradication system, so naturally I went to Target.
DampRid has many options for, well, ridding you of damp, but I decided to try the Drop-In Container system. It’s compact and shockingly affordable, so it wouldn’t mess up my closet setup OR be a huge loss if it didn’t work. It’s essentially a tiny bucket with a holder for a urinal cake looking thing that absorbs all the excess moisture, drops it in the bucket, and then you dump it out and the process continues. I was eager to report back on how well this worked, so I checked the reservoir after a little less than two days, and it had collected a tablespoon of water (I did measure, I am a scientist). A tablespoon of water is not impressive — I took a photo and didn’t include it because it’s NOT impressive — but for only being in my closet for 40 hours? That’s significant.
I don’t know if you can tell, but the cake gets slimy. Then the water drips off it into the reservoir below.
I have the fresh scent, because that’s all they had at Target, but for my refills I think I’ll get the fragrance free ones sold on Amazon (you can also get a starter set on Amazon in either scented/non-scented). The scent is nice, but I think after wearing lightly perfumed sweatshirts to cover up smells, I’d prefer to NOT have any more scents added to my clothes.
Can you even see my DampRid container? It’s there - and it’s discreet!
My closet is organized in such a way that I have a perfect spot for the DampRid container, and it slides in discreetly and is practically unnoticeable. BUT, not so unnoticeable that my ADHD brain will forget it’s there until the cake is gone, the basin is full, and my sweaters smell musty again. This may not be the best permanent solution, but for now I’m thrilled at how well the DampRid Drop In is working. I can put on sweaters without a sniff-test first! I can be happy that my apparently wet closet isn’t ruining my clothes! And all for $10!