Get at All Your Knots and Aches —Without Thumb Pain!—With This Massage Tool

I have so many aches in my body at any given time, and I have a lot of tools to ease that pain. But having a little tight knot in your body is even more frustrating when kneading your muscle will completely mess up your arthritic hands. I realized I needed something I could keep next to my couch, for when something is aching and I don’t want to get up to get my massage gun, or stand against a wall to use my yoga balls — and it just so happens I’d already recommended it.

I threw this weird looking massage tool in my most recent gift guide, but I hadn’t actually ever used it. I save anything I’m interested in to an Amazon wishlist and check it periodically to see if anything has a drastically reduced price, then if I still want it, I buy it. So when I was looking for miscellaneous gifts to add to my miscellanea gift guide, I scrolled my Amazon wishlist and chose the Oarkive Thumb Saver Massage Tool, partly because I was interested and partly because it looks like you asked AI to sculpt a human in profile and were given nightmare fuel.

But once it’s in your hand, the bumps and grooves make sense — it’s perfectly molded to fit in your hand and give your thumb the leverage to knead deep into your muscles without straining your joints. I expected this tool to be flexible, but it’s super solid plastic that will NOT hurt your thumb but WILL hurt your muscles (in a good way). $7 for muscle relaxation without destroying your thumbs in the process? You can’t afford NOT to get this massage tool.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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