Wear, Watch, Want #275: The Easy, Spooky Drugs Edition

Wear: Athleta Ultimate Ease Bra

This sports bra is not only supportive, but it is easy to put on and take off. I typically avoid sports bras with actual clasps, because you have to contort your body to close them and then you have to re-contort, only now covered in sweat, to get them off. Because of the lower AND upper clasps, the Ultimate Ease bra fully comes off, like a vest. It’s so easy to remove, no matter how sweaty you got in your workout.

Watch: The Fall of the House of Usher

It’s spooky season, which means it’s my time to announce yet agayne that Mike Flanagan’s Hush is a hugely ableist movie that should never be praised! So many people put it on their “favorite horror movies” lists and every time I lose a little respect for them! ARGH! That being said, I watch so many of his Netflix projects — and like them! — but sometimes the gross ableism that was shoved in our faces in Hush seeps through into more of his work. The Fall of the House of Usher, however, has none of this! (At least not overtly that I noticed. And this guy is OVERT.) And it’s fun! And gory! And moody!

Want: A Reliable Mail Order Pharmacy

I used a local mail order pharmacy for years. They were awesome, and I loved not going to the pharmacy and explaining to Rite Aid that their automatic refill program was absolutely unusable for anyone who changed medications… ever. But in the past year or so, my formerly wonderful pharmacy has gone down the drain. Not a month goes by where I don’t have to call them to resolve something. So I switched. To Amazon. AMAZON?!? This is what they’ve driven me to. But if anyone is good at getting you your stuff when promised, it’s fuckin’ Amazon. And if there ARE problems, I can solve them without calling someone on the phone, a minor chore that I would do anything to avoid.

Sarah Chrzastowski

This You Need

An Almanac For The 21st Century


Thanks to This Additive, My Laundry is Clean, Bacteria Free, and Smells Incredible


This Arthritis Friendly Citrus Juicer Allows Me To Juice the Living Hell Out of Lemons, Pain Free