Wear, Watch, Want #255: The Fearless Himalayan Survivor Edition

Wear: Frankenstein Sweatshirt

I mentioned this sweatshirt very much in passing already, but lately I’ve realized I wear it a LOT. So much so that I’m checking out the Etsy store I got it from to see if they make any other sweatshirts that I need. It just fits exactly right, is the perfect weight, and if people ask about it I can tell them about how Frankenstein is a story being told about a story being told about a story - a truly wild narrative structure.

Watch: The Last of Us

I’m not a video game person, so I only vaguely know the plot of The Last of Us, but I CAN tell you that the premiere episode is the first time I’ve been completely stressed out for an entire episode of TV since the Severance finale. In a good way!

Want: Trader Joe’s Chhurpi Dog Chews

You can get Himalayan yak cheese chews everywhere, but only at Trader Joe’s can you get two for $5. They haven’t been available at any of our local TJ’s for awhile, and Gus and I are devastated. WHEN will our affordable, dog-busying chews return???

Sarah Chrzastowski

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