Wear, Watch, Want #241: The Boxed Audio Container Edition

Wear: Everlane Box-Cut Tee

I searched for a tee I liked on my body for a long time. I couldn’t exactly say what I was looking for, but I knew I would know the right shirt once it was ON. Everlane’s Organic Cotton Box-Cut Tee IS that shirt. It’s cropped but not cropped, loose but not baggy, the sleeves are the perfect length… I bought three.

Listen: Many, MANY Audiobooks

I’ve been sick for the past month, and I was SO bored and SO sick and the only thing I wanted to do was listen to audiobooks and play dumb iPad games. I would often listen to one book a day, and I was mainly devouring female-led thrillers, most of which I chose because of TikTok. I wasn’t sure about The Club by Ellery Lloyd because the cover sucks, but it was a BLAST and I’d recommend it. Local Woman Missing by Mary Kubica had a WILD ending that seemed so batshit it was, contrary to some BookTokers, realistic. I’d never read anything by Ruth Ware, but I liked In a Dark, Dark Wood (a book I found less realistic and more predictable than Local Woman Missing). And this is just three books! Out of I don’t know, eight? Ten? Like I said, I had nothing to do but be sick and I was burning through one book a day.

Want: TikTok Containers

I love a restocking TikTok, but they do give me the shoppies. Mainly I want containers. Do I keep lunchmeat in my home? No! Do I want this deli container? YES. I love to bake, so I already have containers for all my baking supplies, but now I want THESE, which I think will make my baking at least 70% better.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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