The Best Glass Dog Bowls are in the Target Food Storage Aisle

I had my first dog for 13 years, and I had no idea what I was doing. But I learned a lot, and now my dogs get to benefit from 1) Me knowing more, and 2) Me wanting to never repeat any mistakes I made the first time around. This manifests in a lot of ways, from big to small. One minor thing I changed this go-round was replacing all my ceramic dog bowls with either stainless steel or glass. Here’s a video explaining why, from my favorite teacher, TikTok:

@houseofpawsboutique Serving from the right type of bowl is an easy way to immediately improve your pet's health! 🐶 🐾 🐱 #petfood #petnutrition #pethealth #petstore #dogs #cats #petbowl #yqr ♬ Cute songs for pet videos and easy events - Saku

I already use stainless steel bowls for food, but I wanted to get glass bowls for water. Why? Because I don’t like the sound of stainless steel. That’s literally my only reason. An ID tag hitting a stainless steel bowl makes such a grating sound, I hate it. For food, it’s fine. It’s a limited time and I know when it’s happening. But water is an all-day, sporadic affair. Look, maybe it’s not a good reason, but it’s my reason. Little did I know finding glass dog bowls is incredibly difficult.

A search on Amazon for glass dog bowls brings up a ton of results… but they’re all sets of bowls with stands for $20-$30, like this. I already have food bowls (with stands!) and I just wanted one (1) glass bowl that’s shallow and wide enough for a dog to drink out of. After lots and LOTS of searching, I found the perfect glass dog bowls: Pyrex storage bowls.

I have two sizes (I actually have four [brag], but I only use two for water) the 7 cup and 4 cup, and they are exactly what I was looking for. They’re made for food storage, so they come with lids, but I either recycled them or hid them from myself so well I have no idea where they are. I have two 4 cup bowls that I use for water next to the food bowls, and two 7 cup bowls that I use for more high traffic areas, like the exercise pen and in the living room. I usually have just one of each size on the go at a time, but it’s nice to have extras. Plus, these bowls are priced so well, you can afford to have some spares. The 7 cup bowl is $8, and the 4 cup is $6. That, to me, is exactly what you should be paying for dog bowls.

The edges of the bowls aren’t sharp, and the 7 cup bowl is heavy enough that the dogs can’t knock it over or carry it around (two things Gus has done with the 4 cup bowl). The depth of the bowls is perfect for feeding/watering a dog, and they are easy to put in the dishwasher at the end of each day. I don’t know why it’s so difficult to buy affordable, single glass dog bowls, but I do know I’ve found a great workaround.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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