My Favorite Sweat Busting Powder, But In a Less Messy Formula
I love pretty much every Megababe product I’ve tried. I particularly love the sweat-busting combo of Bust Dust and the Dust Puff, but I (still) cannot manage to apply it without getting white marks on whatever clothes I put on after. I apply the dust, I wear a robe, and even if I wait a bit, THEN get dressed, I have to go over my clothes with a damp washcloth to make sure all the white marks are gone. This is not a big deal, and Bust Dust works, so for me it’s worth an extra cleanup step. But because of this, and because Megababe products where on sale at Ulta, I picked up a bottle of Magic Powder Stay-Dry Lotion Potion. It’s essentially bust dust in a lotion, which to me seemed even more mistake proof than the dust/puff combo.
I don’t find the lotion to be as effective a sweat-buster than the powder, BUT it is better at staying on my body rather than getting all over my clothes. I’m currently adjusting to having two dogs, one of which is a puppy, and the other one is blind. Mornings are the most difficult - all three of us have to go through our individual morning routines, by which I mean I am responsible for three individual morning routines, and by the end of it I am sweaty. I’ve been applying some Lotion Potion to my main flop sweat areas (underboob, lower back) and it helps take the edge off my hectic morning routine. I’m usually just throwing on some leggings and a sweatshirt, and I only really end up with white marks on my sports bra, which is fine with me.
This is really only a problem if you’re not in the habit of washing your hands… which is a problem in itself
I do end up with a considerable amount of powder/lotion on my hands, but I just wash it off and move on. If I were going out and meeting people, or had a busy day I did NOT want to be sweaty for, I’d go for the powder and the puff. But for working from home on my laptop, on a day when my only “events” were taking dog walks and maybe picking up coffee? Magic Powder Stay-Dry Lotion Potion is a fast, easy, slightly less messy way to manage (minor) flop sweat.