Wear, Watch, Want #222: The Swift, Creepy Pants Edition

Wear: Lululemon Swiftly Shirts

I own three Swiftly Tech Long Sleeve Shirts, and I’ve recently expanded to Swiftly Relaxed Long Sleeve Shirts. These are… the best. So comfortable, great fabric, the perfect weight for about 70% of all Seattle days. I am obsessed.

Watch: Severance

Severance is moody and mysterious but also FUNNY. People are all over Twitter talking about Severance, I’ve seen so many mentions of how it’s a suspenseful thriller (meh) and nothing about how I will laugh out loud multiple times. This could just be something about me, but I think it’s other people not appreciating a perfectly delivered bit of levity in a show that’s kind of depressing.

And is anyone as obsessed as I am with the styling on this show? I spend a good half of each episode thinking about styling choices and if Adam Scott’s hair looks like that on purpose, and if he’s doing something weird with is face. My other obsession is everything John Turturro is doing. Irving standalone episode WHEN.

Want: Pants

First it was jeans, now it’s pants. I want like, some comfortable but pulled together looking pants. Maybe a wide legged crop style? I ordered these from Target and they were SO CLOSE to being perfect, but they have slant pockets which barely look right on a mannequin, let alone a human with hips, and they were too big in too many places. I splurged on these Lululemon pants, and they are AMAZING but pricey, especially because when I like something, I buy it in multiple colors.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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