I Finally Upgraded my WFH Setup, For Only $50

I use a laptop every single day. I have a MacBook Air (that I’ve only recently realized is getting kind of old) and I’m not interested in going back to a desktop lifestyle. I like that I can work on my computer from my couch, my patio, or a coffee shop. All that being said, there are some benefits to a desktop, especially now that I’m using video conferencing more, and until a little while ago I was putting my laptop on an enormous tub of coconut oil so that I could get a good camera angle. I decided to spend a little money to get my laptop a more professional setup, and HOW did I not do this sooner??!

First, I needed a laptop stand. Mainly so that I could stop using grocery items to prop up my computer, but also because sometimes you want your laptop to be close by, but out of the way. I watch Bon Appetit videos while I eat lunch, and putting my computer on a stand gave me a better viewing angle AND more room on the table for my lunch. I’ll be honest, I picked my stand solely by price, and this one was only $30. It also had good reviews and the color matched my computer… but really I just wanted to spend as little as possible. Considering I bought this stand because it was cheap, it’s really sturdy and feels like great quality. And while I initially just wanted it for Zoom calls, I found myself using it more and more. Which brings me to…

A separate keyboard. When your laptop is up on that stand, it’s virtually impossible to use the keyboard. I looked at Apple’s, and they are ONE HUNDRED dollars. That just seems… wrong. I also feel this way about charging cords, and if they knocked even $20 of the cost of a laptop charging cable I would buy a second one, which I could really use. ANYWAY. The Apple keyboards seemed too pricy for what they are, so started searching for a third party keyboard. The one I bought is actually sold as an iPad keyboard, but it connects via bluetooth and will pair with anything (anything bluetooth enabled, that is). It’s slightly smaller than my laptop keyboard, so I kind of have to reset my muscle memory when I type on it, but other than needing a bit of a finger warm up period, it’s great. It also looks like it’s a member of the Apple family, despite being a $20 buy from Amazon.

For a mere $50 I can now work like a real professional. Meaning from my kitchen table. It’s a great way to change up my routine and also look presentable on video calls. Overall, a pair of great purchases that I should have bought years ago.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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