Shorten The Post-Shower Chills With This Quick Absorbing Lotion

One of my favorite things to do is take a shower, do a face mask, wash my hair (what I call the full-service shower routine) then get out, slather my body in moisturizer, and get into clean pajamas. I will literally plan my day, and even week, around it. (The best setup, I have found, is to do a tough workout beforehand - My favorite is a 60 minute bike bootcamp, like this one - so the effects of a elaborate shower routine are even more appreciated.)

But in the winter, when it’s cold and dark and gloomy, I want to go from hot shower to warm pajamas as fast as humanly possible. I can’t abide by cold bathroom air ruining the vibe, so the moisturizing routine needs to be quick. BUT, I also don’t want to feel my pajamas sticking to my lotioned-up bod that didn’t have time to fully absorb a coating of body butter or whatever. Usually I use Jergen’s Shea Butter, but when I’m cold and want to be cozy immediately, I’ll skip it because I just don’t want to DEAL. Then, of course, i’m upset that my skin feels tight and dry. But I’ve discovered a solution: Trader Joe’s Hydrating Hyaluronic Body Gel Cream.

This exhaustively titled body moisturizer is perfect for a person who wants to have healthy-looking, moisturized skin, but wants to put in as little effort and time as possible (ie, me getting out of the shower in the cold dead of night, AKA 4:30pm in December). I’ve previously reviewer TJ’s other hyaluronic moisturizer, and this is very similar to that product, but for your whole body. It’s definitely more of a gel than a lotion, and certainly not a body butter. If you are dealing with super dry skin, I’d say this isn’t the product for you. Even I spot treat extra-dry areas like knees, elbows, and heels with a more intense moisturizer. However, if you’re looking to get all-over moisture super quickly, then this is a great time saving solution. No more fresh pajamas sticking to your freshly buttered up bod!

Sarah Chrzastowski

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