My Dry Shampoo Addiction Necessitated a Clarifying Shampoo

In my quest to wash my hair as little as possible, and therefore use a LOT of dry shampoo, I have also become a person who shampoos, rinses, and repeats. Sometimes I manage to load up so much gunk in my hair that by wash day, I’m getting a workout just shampooing a week of product out of my hair. I have thin hair that I don’t dye or process, so I never looked into clarifying shampoos. But once I realized I was shampooing twice just to feel like I was truly starting fresh with my hair routine, I decided it was time to look into a product to make it a little easier.

I’ve used Kristin Ess products before (I like the air dry mousse, mentioned here), so I already trusted the brand, and when I saw they offered a Scalp Purifying Micellar Shampoo I was immediately interested. As an added bonus, it’s easy to pick up at Target, and at $12 the price is right. It did take a little bit of troubleshooting - the directions on the bottle are clear, but it was hard for me to tell how much, if any, product was getting on my head. I ended up having to apply more to certain spots, but the person in the tutorial video does too, so maybe that’s just how it is!

I plan on using this every second or third wash, or when I’m really pushing it and try to go a week+ without a wash, therefore making me more dry shampoo than hair.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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